in last blog i do mention that i want to fill up my leisure time with somethg that i really wish to do for so long.guess wat?? learning musical instrument.i wish to learn piano since i was a small girl,but this dream never achieve during my schooling time,but i never think to give up my dream as i love piano so much,i even can revel in the beautiful melody and feel touching to it.i always hope that i can learn piano one day so that i can play some loving song or romantic song but for sure those must be my favorite song as well.hehe.Thus,when i grown up i have realized that it is not possible to learn from the basic anymore as my fingers hv become stiffer and less senitive to play a very good piano..or else miracle happen,but will it?...huh...sound like i have force to give up..sigh~ indeed,there is adult courses available for those teenagers like me to learn but definitely not from the bacic,mayb just learn for certain level or some trendy song instead.Actually i do can learn too but there is reason behind why at the end i chose to learn violin instead of learning piano.This is because i have no idea to place a piano if i have buy it!sound bad right?indeed,i just have rented room,and it's definitely a big problem for me to placed my,i am rather learning violin at this moment than waiting until i get my own house to get this problem solved.hah..but this doesn't mean that violin can replace piano,it actually also come to my second choice from the beginning =]
i fall in love to violin because i was so impressed when first looking at leehom playing violin on the's sound ridiculous to fall in love to violin by such reason huh?anyhow..i want to learn it with wholeheartedly and hope can just play any beautiful melody that i love!if there is time allow,i stil wish can learn piano in one day.haha >,<